This page contains several messages starting from most recent -
August 25, August 2, July 3, 2007

Messages From the Masters
August 25, 2007
Anshallah! Antui! Entilleha, ansi, asi!
Greetings to you in these lighted times! Your world is shifting!
As we have spoken to you previously, your time to experience another major event nears. Also as indicated, there has been an escalation in earthquake activity on your earth as well as extremes of weather. The energies have set up earlier than projected. Expect them to continue to escalate until the climax of this event on September 14th at 6:02 a.m. eastern time. The event had been projected to begin escalation on September the sixth, but current consciousness and the energies have combined for a sooner rather than later setting up of the event.
Inwardly many of you have felt disturbed, uncalm or unsettled. There are times when many of you feel as if you are literally plugged in to the extreme electromagnetic currents that are moving through you and your environment. What occurs is your physical response to the energies. What you must know is that the rest of you knows inherently that which comes and is prepared to balance and experience this event as a catalyst for the changes that come.
Your particulates are about to become rearranged. The actual relationships of your particulates amongst themselves are going to reorder to different proportions. Your particulates are responding to the light which is evident universally with this event as well as the photon belt which you have begin to traverse upon your planet.
Know that as you move closer and closer to your galactic center, you will be exposed to more and more light energy. As this occurs, your particulates will respond by reordering again and again. As they do, the mathematic increments, the ratios of placement of the very fabric of your beings change relationships. As it does, you cannot hold within that which you have hidden from yourselves.
When your particulates rearrange as they have begun to do in this now, there will be what you might consider a vacuum effect which will pull the light through you. As this occurs, you will be rewired to the new energies. Your entire electromagnetic system will respond. What occurs is your Galactic overlay, a high frequency matrix of wiring that will interface with your earthly selves. You are receiving your intergalactic initiation.
Consciously open to the coming changes. Imagine that you as a manifested being are spreading your etheric arms widely to receive that which is light. Your particulates will spread wider with intent and you will receive more than if you just let it be, so to speak.
As your particulates respond to this universal stimulus, and they separate, along with the light come the symbol of all time. These symbols are complete libraries of information for you. They are you. The infinite you. And they will burn into your manifested being that which you have forgotten. As this occurs, your vibration will be brought to a rising to new heights and into higher reality. This, in a way, is an ascension. You might think of this experience as Ascension by intent. No, you will not rise to the sky and disappear. Instead, you will bring the heavens to you and to your earthly experience.
This you can do with ease and with peace, as the void opens and the heaviness of dense energies is drained, so is the resistance to your heritage. So is anything that is not of truth.
Because of this, there will be political scandals that will continue through the Fall. There will be changes and truths coming out that you have suspected for some time. There will be information coming to your world that has been on hold, waiting for the clearing. It is time. It is now. It has begun.
Look beyond your humanity for a moment in eternal time. See the infinite picture of your threads in the tapestry of all creation. You are interwoven, creating the beauty of a landscape far greater than you can imagine. All that you are and all that you do creates the beauty of the weave. Lift your sight unto the light. It is there in which you will recognize your being.
For you in this now, we have created a series of symbols for initiation to those of the highest vibrations. They are above our message. They are the initiation. Use these for your opening to the coming energies. Use these until you have found your specific harmonic rising. It is there within you. Meditate upon them as you go about your days. Allow them to become you and you them. As you gaze upon them you will feel stirrings deep within you, awakening to your higher being. Do not think of this, allow yourselves to unfold as a delicate blossom on a Spring morning as the sun caresses it, so shall the Light within you assist your to unfold.
Be not of worry or concern of anything. Be in and of the now. There is no other time.
Know this: That you are wholly in and of the same creation as we. Know that beyond the light and into the void there comes a destination which is only light. Shine as you are truth, Dear Ones.
Message from the Masters:
August 2, 2007
Anshallah! Antui ansi entui jentelah!
Greetings to each of you from that which you are!
You have done well to change the vibration from which you live. Those changes which have been intentionally created in such a way that the unification of humanity has begun. It is the only way that ultimately you and your planet will survive.
Old paradigms from which you used to base your decisions and your actions upon as well as your dreams, have been laid to rest. It is time to be in the now. Time to stop living in front of yourselves and pay attention to that which is now. As we often say to you, nothing has ever happened outside of now. Now is all there ever is was or will be. So, when you are present within this now, you begin to hear the guidance which comes to you for the journeys each of you has chosen to partake.
How have things changes for you? Many of you have begun to realize that you must change locations geographically. Perhaps you are not receiving instructions about where that might be, just that it is. Do not be of concern. That which you need will come at the very moment in which you need to know. The point in this now is for you to become accustomed to the idea that things are changing, that life is shifting.
Problem solving has taken on a new light. The ways that you used to go about this no longer work. Untruth no longer worked. You cannot fool yourselves into thinking that you have solved your concerns when you have not. The basis of all problems is two fold. Resistance to the journey and its paths, and fear.
That resistance at one time could be smoothed over in such a way that life became tolerable. In this now, each must be within personal truth, integrity on the inside, or chaos will reign until that point is driven home.
Fear is wrought about from previous experiences or what ifs. Neither of those are of the now. It is that the Now brings perfection. Always. If you find yourselves in a state of conflict or even panic, we suggest that you ask yourselves the following questions:
"In this moment, am I safe?"
"In this moment, do I have everything that I need?"
The answers to those questions will always be "Yes, and Yes!"
And beyond that is what was, or what has not yet been and is merely speculated or imagined. The truth is in the now.
Coming in your near future is another series of events leading toward the alignment of your planet with its galactic center, or point of origin. That alignment will occur in December of 2012. Leading to that, as we have previously spoken, are a series of Universal, or Cosmic events that will create different effects within your human experiences.
Beginning on September 6th, there comes a vibrating within the upper dimensions of creation. This is a balancing, an alignment, and an awakening of energies which have been dormant since the dawn of creation. On the 14th of September there comes a major celestial event. We wish to reiterate from our past transmission those points of importance to this event and its effects upon you:
Coming in September of your time there is another major shift. This one is a different sort than those which we have previously talked about with you. On the fourteenth of September at 6:02 am Eastern Time there comes a breach in the fabric of creation. With this, in an early attempt to heal that breach, anti-matter fills the void which is created and there comes a vacuum effect.
As the vacuum effect initializes, there will be certain manifestations of balance required from the interior of your planet. This may take form in the nature of eventful sized earthquake activity. It will also take place in your weather patterning.
Within your bodies you will feel this shift even if you are only slightly aware, or barely aware, for as the void opens, releasing anti-matter, there comes a lightening of the cosmic energies which fill you. As the vacuum effect occurs, you are being filled with light energy. Cleansed, wiped clean. Initialized and initiated to the energies which follow.
That energy which follows is laden with the symbolic language of the infinite. It is both teacher and student, mother and child, peace and all that is not, love and its antithesis, desire and fulfillment.
The energy which comes with the language of the light will open within each of you avenues of consciousness which you had never conceived. Avenues which if you choose will bring you to greater being by virtue of your very existence. And those avenues will be filled with the instructions contained within the symbols. And the instructions will become you and you them.
What are the messages contained within the symbols. All that has ever been. All that can ever be, infinite possibilities at your disposal to change your experience and even the world in which you live. Infinite information to guide you toward brighter being, and the safety from within the One.
Until now most of you have seen yourselves as separate beings from within the entirety. This is not true you know? Separateness is mere perception in opposition of that which is timeless truth. You have sought to fill yourselves with those things which are not of worth except in measurable human terms. But what of that which lies beyond? What of those who have not? What of that which cannot co-create because it has been used up? Those things do not fill you but rather weigh you down with false security.
The truth in abundance is that it is all relative to the values you perceive. Just make certain that those values are yours and not belonging to others.
As the yin and yang of the void of the opening and the light which is pulled into you by that very destruction becomes assimilated within you there will be another great wave of energy which moves through your local reality carrying with it an encodement which is of the patterning of the divine.
The encodement is, for lack of language in your world, a road map to your very states of divinity.
As the planets within your solar system continue their journey toward the original beginning point, the galactic center, the light within you becomes magnified. The earth then begins to respond as well. That which is your very being responds in turn and you can either allow yourselves to be carried with the flow, or find yourselves tossed in the conundrum of chaos as the edges of the vortex are of a violent nature as the energies are being pulled in one of the most dramatic trans-dimensional changes which has ever occurred. As the tear in the fabric of creation fills with anti-matter and you are filled with light in turn, the dimensional barriers will begin to cross, become entangled temporarily and time as you know it will become confusing to say the least. At least for a cosmic now. Your realities may begin to open, even to the point of temporary confusion. Do not let this concern you. Know that beyond your current perception there are vast worlds of living breathing color and life. Many of them are aware of you. Most of them have contacted you at some point, or others in your world, with messages of peace, the lessons of the infinite and love embodied.
As you seek all that is holy, all that is sacred, remember that that which is most sacred is you. You are all and everything that you seek and within you are universes enfolded, all things possible and light beyond imagining.
Our point in repeating this is that the information reaches you fully. The opportunity for your opening as an infinite being manifested as humanity comes at the moment of the rift in creation.
As you are created so shall you live. As you live, so shall you reap all that is holy and all that you choose.
The key is in the choosing. Do you choose reflexively, of the moment and by each experience, or do you choose consciously with intent for you journey and the highest possibilities for yourselves and all others? For as you choose, it is chosen for all others. AS you are the One. AS you are all things. As you are of the divine source from which all things come, your divinity begets your ability, your right to be the Creator which you have sought your entire lives.
You are that.
You are the choosing.
And the choices are endless, as are you. Call your name to all creation and claim your right to be all that is and the Creator of the reality you wish to command. And do this with loving humility, with passion and with peace in your hearts.
As it is written.
Message from the Masters:
July 3rd, 2007
Anshallah, ansi, enhalle nibura laheih!
Greetings to that which is you, we and all things of perfection!
We wish to speak to you of times to come in the near future. You are moving through passionate change in this now. In such a way, that change is only the beginning of that which comes. You are moving at great speeds toward your galactic center. In such a way as this occurs, you are being ever energetically changed.
As you fly toward that which is the galactic center, that which is the origin of your solar system's beginning pattern, you are moving through that which is light, photon energy, and at the same time through some of the most powerful antimatter that there is in existence. The only area of living manifestation that is greater is at the outer rim of the black holes whose sole purpose is to maintain balance between parallel universes.
As this is so, you are finding that you are either feeling magnificent or you are feeling unwell. It is that you are facing the magnificence of your manifested being but not of the vibration in which you are of your highest functioning. In such a way, it is that you must let go of your hand holds and let yourselves be carried by the momentum of the coming times.
Letting go is the first step toward having that which is the trust, the faith, that all things are divine and that all divine is in your best interests. Many of you do not grasp this concept because it is larger than your thinking selves can comprehend.
Open your heart. Breathe. Relax. Now, read these words again:
Letting go is the first step toward having that which is the trust, the faith, that all things are divine and that all that is divine is in your best interests.
Can you feel the shift within you as you now hear these words?
As your divine being you become unlimited in choice and possibilities. In that which comes, you must be ready to let go of your sense of separate being and participate within the very One from which you are created. As you do so, you will begin to realize that the values that you held high no longer matter. Instead, new values come forward, bringing to you grace and ease within the journey of human being.
The changes which are in occurrence in this now are to lighten your cosmic load toward greater manifestation, greater participation and your most magnificent selves. As this occurs, your vibratory rate will increase and you will feel lighter. Lighter. LIGHTER. MORE LIGHT. This is a gift that you give yourselves as no other can do this for you.
You will find that as you are lighter, and as you begin to walk that path which you chose long ago, you will find that your values have changed, that which you desire to create is different and that your very perspective on life has dramatically altered to become one of simplicity.
You must know that the voices within you are real. Those which you hear which may sound much like yourselves, are truly others in other realities urging you on, sharing wisdom of the infinite and taking you by the hand toward brighter aspects of your journeys. And some of those voices are your higher being, knowing what is truth within you. Are you listening?
Coming in September of your time there is another major shift. This one is a different sort than those which we have previously talked about with you. On the fourteenth of September at 6:02 am eastern time there comes a breach in the fabric of creation. With this, in an early attempt to heal that breach, anti-matter fills the void which is created and there comes a vacuum effect.
As the vacuum effect initializes, there will be certain manifestations of balance required from the interior of your planet. This may take form in the nature of eventful sized earthquake activity. It will also take place in your weather patterning.
Within your bodies you will feel this shift even if you are only slightly aware, or barely aware, for as the void opens, releasing anti-matter, there comes a lightening of the cosmic energies which fill you. As the vacuum effect occurs, you are being filled with light energy. Cleansed, wiped clean. Initialized and initiated to the energies which follow.
That energy which follows is laden with the symbolic language of the infinite. It is both teacher and student, mother and child, peace and all that is not, love and its antithesis, desire and fulfillment.
The energy which comes with the language of the light will open within each of you avenues of consciousness which you had never conceived. Avenues which if you choose will bring you to greater being by virtue of your very existence. And those avenues will be filled with the instructions contained within the symbols. And the instructions will become you and you them.
What are the messages contained within the symbols. All that has ever been. All that can ever be, infinite possibilities at your disposal to change your experience and even the world in which you live. Infinite information to guide you toward brighter being, and the safety from within the One.
Until now most of you have seen yourselves as separate beings from within the entirety. This is not true you know? Separateness is mere perception in opposition of that which is timeless truth. You have sought to fill yourselves with those things which are not of worth except in measurable human terms. But what of that which lies beyond? What of those who have not? What of that which cannot co-create because it has been used up? Those things do not fill you but rather weigh you down with false security.
The truth in abundance is that it is all relative to the values you perceive. Just make certain that those values are yours and not belonging to others.
As the yin and yang of the void of the opening and the light which is pulled into you by that very destruction becomes assimilated within you there will be another great wave of energy which moves through your local reality carrying with it an encodement which is of the patterning of the divine.
The encodement is, for lack of language in your world, a road map to your very states of divinity.
As the planets within your solar system continue their journey toward the original beginning point, the galactic center, the light within you becomes magnified. The earth then begins to respond as well. That which is your very being responds in turn and you can either allow yourselves to be carried with the flow, or find yourselves tossed in the conundrum of chaos as the edges of the vortex are of a violent nature as the energies are being pulled in one of the most dramatic trans-dimensional changes which has ever occurred. As the tear in the fabric of creation fills with anti-matter and you are filled with light in turn, the dimensional barriers will begin to cross, become entangled temporarily and time as you know it will become confusing to say the least. At least for a cosmic now. Your realities may begin to open, even to the point of temporary confusion. Do not let this concern you. Know that beyond your current perception there are vast worlds of living breathing color and life. Many of them are aware of you. Most of them have contacted you at some point, or others in your world, with messages of peace, the lessons of the infinite and love embodied.
As you seek all that is holy, all that is sacred, remember that that which is most sacred is you. You are all and everything that you seek and within you are universes enfolded, all things possible and light beyond imagining.
Be in peace. Ride with the flow.
Anhalle ensi entui ansitu anshalla
Message from the Masters:
After the great energy wave that is now in occurrence, and the smoothing, calming that comes, there is going to be a transformation of energies as they relate universally. This will come in the form of a separation of frequencies, reharmonization, repatterning. All of this happening in September of 2007. From the 13th of that month until the 21st. If you could see this with your eyes, it would appear as a cosmic dance of energy particles, arranging and rearranging as they vibrate, rising and dipping in placement. Colors of deep purple, red, bright green and gold will seek placement with one another. Electromagnetic relationships at first repelling one color from the other, and as the reharmonization occurs, those particles will begin to attract one another, ultimately resulting is an overall new energy relationship. New vibrations within which to live. This will be a great and powerful time as your world reacts to the changes. Consciousness will begin to soar, and weather of great and powerful nature will bring winds and great flows of water, moving earth and cleansing it as well.
Remember that change comes as a result of chaos, and the result is always magnificence! We are grateful to sere you at this time. Be in peace.