Because life wasn't challenging enough for you this month, I would like to offer you an additional spiritual test. Ready?
Step 1) Take a really deep breath.
Step 2) Now hold it.
Step 3) Til June.
Seem impossible?
Well certainly not in comparison to what the universe threw at us the last 4 weeks.
Besides...this is when we will finally be able to exhale.
Remember that little conjunction of Chiron and Neptune with Jupiter that I mentioned in the last update?
Well, you can thank it for pulling that life-size rug out from under you the last couple weeks with regard to any so-called "plans" for your future.
Apparently this celestial mockery... coupled with the Wesak full moon, the new moon in Gemini and above all else, Mercury Retrograde...was just the astral cocktail needed to push us way beyond our limits (as if we had any left) under the guise of assisting us to step solidly on our path and stay there with rugged determination.
And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse ; ))
If you are finding yourself in that familiar void where nothing is moving, there is no support to be found, nothing to grab onto, or where things seem more than just a little uncertain again, {even things you thought (operative word here) you were absolutely certain about}, don't worry, we are just being spun through another cosmic rinse cycle in one "last" attempt to dislodge the goo. And this cycle spanned the whole human gamut of relationships, health AND finances...that way no one feels left out.
It may definitely seem like these heavenly bodies were teaming up against us in some sick conspiracy for domination over our conscious will and well being, but this jam-packed month is actually providing us with an enormous opportunity to really ground ourselves in preparation for what June has to offer.
Basically, this meant that any remaining darkness in need of illumination was highlighted this month... and in some cases, thrown in our faces... so that we could clearly see where we needed to make new choices to align with our highest good.
The first two weeks of May offered us an opportunity to check in with our higher self & purpose to see if we were FULLY in alignment with our true spiritual path. As a result, many tests surfaced for those who still needed a nudge to choose the correct path and these tests provided us the opportunity to base that choice on what feels right or what we think is right.
For all of us, especially those still struggling with the higher choice, (and in case your still being tested, its the one that feels good), the second two weeks of May have been offering us the ability to clear out those fears preventing us from fully grounding this higher path into form. In this regard you may have been presented, yet again, with some colossal fears that have been lingering in your shadow and following you the whole way home.
And this is really what May was all about...showing us exactly which fears were preventing us from dragging our second foot over the dimensional threshold.
If you are one who has been experiencing creepy old fears, keep in mind that in the reality of polarity, the purpose of fear is to remember that we have the choice, in every moment, to choose love...and that every choice we make to accept the thought that feels good is a step in the direction of the source of our power.
These remaining days of May may actually be your chance to JUST SAY NO to fear for the final time! June is opening with a hard core "jumping in" energy right off the bat, so as Mercury turns direct on May 30th and we begin to move forward again, be sure to leave your illusions at the door.
If May served to clear the runway for our arrival, then June will certainly be the time to buckle up and prepare to land.
This is the time we have all been waiting for, when we finally get to touch down and place both of our feet firmly on new ground. And this will also be a clearly defining moment for those who have done the work as well as those "spiritual seekers" with no connection or interest in the material world. Depending on your karmic inventory, June will provide you with either a permanent landing or a transitional layover.
Because we are grounding so rapidly into the earth now, those who have yet to merge the spiritual (female) and material (male) planes will find that they have more clearing to do in order to fully access the many gifts of the higher dimensions. Not good or bad, better or worse, just universal timing according to each individual and divine blueprint.
Those who have already taken full responsibility for healing themselves, their relationships and their lives, and have cleaned out all karmic clutter, integrated new and higher ways of being and have FULLY accepted that the true spiritual human experience is one of limitless abundance on every level...including financial... will be provided with a new stage, new actors & new props...but this time, without a script.
Yup...that's the end of hand-holding.
We are becoming fully empowered beings of light here to cocreate with those of like-mind and in divine union with Source. As a result, we will have to rewrite our own scripts to better suit our new awareness and desires as we come together in communities of vibrational alignment to support one another in our interests & passions.
The new moon this past weekend served to completely sever our ties to old contracts as either spiritual enablers or antagonists in our relationships with others. You may have experienced this as a feeling of being set free, or not wanting to carry the weight or energetic burdens of others any longer, do more than your share, or you may have come to this awareness through a sudden and sobering look at your own ridiculous behavior in relationships... wondering who you were and why you acted the way you did for so long. These are all indications of bumping up to our destination vibration and as a result, feeling free to let go and move on in our personal journey.
This severing may have also kicked up some feelings of resentment as we were suddenly aware of how much of ourselves we gave away by "carrying the load" for others for so long. This vibrational break-thru can be quite jolting if you are not conscious of the energy behind it, but this eye-opening experience served to dissolve any past encumbrances that would weigh down our soul-centered relationships in the future, while allowing for the necessary soul reunions to reconnect on a higher level.
Now that these old roles have officially expired and we are completely released from the responsibility of having to hold the space for others, we will be capable to use our energy solely for the purposes of creating our new lives and manifesting our true desires.
And this will also mean developing a brand new relationship with matter in the material world. (More on that to come)
The energy of June
The incoming energy of June carries the vibration of action & solutions. This new vibe is already peeking through the clouds in small ways, but will be felt more fully when Mercury turns direct on May 30th. With it will come many resolutions for all those uncertainties kicked up during retrograde, as well as those little manifestations that went missing for weeks, in addition to new openings and opportunities for great expansion.
All in all, I am hearing that there will be a clear dimensional divide that becomes very evident by the solstice and for those boarding the train to their new lives, June will feel very different than May. There is also a relatively short window of recalibration that will commence prior to the solstice but I am told that this bump up will be more or less a completion of the grounding process already in action.
While we are still teetering on the border of these dimensional realities, preparing to shove off into the new and true, and with the expiration of our old contracts, the remaining days of May are providing us with the re-patterning necessary to shift our perceptual field entirely to the new energy grids so that we can click securely into place which will ultimately enable us to stand firmly in the new earth.
And as always, the physical experience of grounding is not a comfortable one. The pain of inhabiting our full biology is one we have been enduring for many years, but this month the physical discomfort of such rapid detoxification has reached record-breaking highs for some.
This intensity is primarily because many are at the final stages of grounding, and so close to spiritual mastery, that every inch of our body is being scoured and purified in preparation for the flow of goodness wanting to be birthed into the physical world through each clear conduit of divine inspiration.
And that means YOU.
So, essentially we are each becoming a nexus point on earth where spirit meets matter, the living examples of vibrational mastery, and that which is now possible for all others to achieve.
And THAT...according to our ascended elders... makes each of us a really BIG deal.
Waiting to exhale....
Copyright © 2008 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. © 2008 Expect Miracles, Inc.