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Stepping into the Flow
Lauren Gorgo - September 13, 2010 |
The Purge
Since the solstice in June, and as a result of the mega celestial lineup of the last few months, there has been … in addition to many other things … an all-pervasive and collective purging of lack (scarcity-thinking).
We are intermittently touching down in our new lives, grounding so deeply into our bodies and the earth, that these deep-seated root issues of security/safety have been wildly coming up for review and being cleared to make room for our expanded source-based selves to enter the deepest and most physical parts of our lives.
For many, this means tugging at the roots of our most basic survival fears … yuck. Luckily, we can choose to remain detached from these energies by embracing the truth and reality of love (abundance) … OR … we can choose to be-lie-ve in the reality of fear (lack). In a holographic world, where all realities are real … which one will be real for you?
These collective and fear-based thought forms have been rising up in so many and swirling about like a tornado of uncontrollable e-motional (ANXIETY/panic) and even physical responses (lower back pain/lower intestinal distress/urogenital discomfort/etc.) … but mostly these expired energies are looking for an exit so collectively we can jump off the karmic wheel and tip the planetary scales toward resonance creation … aka conscious co-creation.
The reason this is so important to see clearly right now is because we are beginning to witness (keyword here) the next wave of energetic/financial restructuring … which means fears will be flying around like pigs in heaven, and bottoming-out will be the norm for the next group of souls readying to rebuild their lives.
As this deeper level excavation takes place, it is important to not partake in any of the fear-based energies of doom and gloom that are rising up for transmutation and permeating the masses. If we get attached to these toxic thought-forms or be-lie-ve that they are true, we can easily get swept up in a wild windstorm of clashing energies and events. Not the kind of music we want to groove to.
When in doubt, remember that abundance is the natural state of the universe. We can be self-responsible by creating solid boundaries, follow only the thoughts that feel good (if it doesn't feel good, it isn't), and seek the solace of our own internal wisdom knowing that all is perfectly well.
Ignore everything else.
The Flow of All Good Things
If you are really experiencing these energies in an adverse way, realize that any pressure you are feeling is actually resistance to the flow of abundance building up behind the dam of limitations that you unconsciously honor. To release this pressure … and the flow of all good things behind it … we must zoom out, shift/expand our perspective, clearly see how we are responsible for blocking that flow with any expired/limiting thoughts, and surrender into the existing support and structures in place that we always have to get us through.
It may also be helpful to take note of any emotional re-actions that come up for you during the next few weeks (Practical Magic can be a great support for this) as these reactions will be a clear indication of the blocks you are still honoring with regard to accepting full abundance into your life. Whatever needs to be released in order for you to take the major step forward into manifesting with your full potential will tantalize you until it is seen from a higher perspective, so keep in mind that anything you experience outside of abundance is temporary until you are re-connected with your (power) Source.
I can personally attest to the fact that once we begin to step fully into our authentic selves (BE who we came here to BE) the reality of lack shifts completely and we are rapidly immersed in the flow of all good things. Since the March equinox of this year, abundance has been flowing into my life with such increasing force that it is hard to believe that exactly a year ago this time I was unable to pay my utility bills and while trying to rescue my house from public auction.
The same shift from lack to abundance is happening or trying to happen for all of us … the universal elixir of creation is begging to supply for those with pure heart resonance, and the messages will get louder and louder if we continue to resist its magic with our limitations and feelings of unworthiness. The time is now to step into our full power and to accept the grace of God's heavenly flow in all ways … regardless of how the outside world is still operating.
Yes, there will continue to be social and economic downturns, devastating catastrophes and global calamities … but this is none of our business. Our business is in new creation … in abundance … in wellness … in joy … and in grounding the pure divine inspiration that we have worked for over a decade to share with others. We must fully exercise our power to become self-sustainable conscious co-creators and living examples of what's possible for our planet and her people.
The Cosmic Pulse
And just to be clear … this new level of abundance is not just arriving in the form of money … although that's part of it … but in the form of accessing new potentials and (higher-level) ideas and opportunities … vibrationally aligned relationships, partnerships and heart-based supports/connections … and cosmic bursts of creativity and clarity that will, quite literally, blow your mind.
Aligning with this cosmic pulse (rhythm of universal flow) … which is what we have been doing for several years through clearing all that sticky soul-goo … always places us at the crux of perfect place and timing, enabling us to leverage the might of the universe with our conscious will and in a way that requires very little effort.
This month we will be hooking deeper into the intuitive rhythm of non-action and action/allowing and doing which will offer us a much more visceral understanding of the creation process, how to manage all the new potentials, and the many rewards of linking into this automated classification system where all parts work cooperatively for the function of the whole.
This flow of goodness is so natural, so organic, that its easy to forget that there was ever another way … and it is so powerful that it borders on stressful because there is so much here to choose from … so many possibilities that seeing from an expired perspective (that we must do everything ourselves) can be overwhelming.
And this is just the beginning …
Finalizing Details
If you are feeling these crashing waves of overwhelm from the energy of new beginnings … even if your physical body hasn't quite caught up yet … know that the rest of September (and now that Mercury is going direct) will offer us the ability to temper a much-needed balance and learn how to ground and manage these energies while we simultaneously continue to clean up the last remnants of the past, seal-up the old, and finalize all lingering details.
Any old unresolved issues that need tending to will be thrusted into our view this month so that we can complete the past before the celestial door slams shut for good. In some cases, there will be lingering past details that will continue to wrap up over the remainder of the year, however, dealing with them head-on will be key this month. As always, these shifts are carried out in a slow and manageable process … and one that we should be grateful for (?!@#%^!) … so as to not leave any stone unturned.
In the meantime, the way forward is always the same … allow yourself to be exactly where you are … without resistance and in full acceptance of what is … while knowing that whatever you are experiencing that is in opposition to your heart-felt desires is only a past mis-creation playing itself out and necessary to walk through in order to advance to the next level.
In other words, the only way around is through.
See you in the flow!