Heart Clear | Impressions |

HC "I feel my body and mind conditions are both getting better. I feel that the seeds of irritation within me have been taken out. It is a joy to find the key to open something within me that I couldn't open before!"


Thank you for the Heart Clear session. Yesterday I felt so clear as the darkness around my heart area disappeared. It is exactly "Heart Clear" ... you were activating my heart, weren't you? When I saw myself in the mirror this morning, I got an impression of how clear and beautiful my eyes are!

-- S.T.- Osaka


Thank you for the session. I really feel light around my heart area. And my perception has changed. I can see things so clearly and scenes look sparkling. I went to a small museum after the session. I felt my sense to see arts has changed. And I now have more keen intuition.

-- E.H. - Chiba


Thank you very much for the session for my partner. His tension on the surface has been removed and it seems that his naturalness and his own rhythm appeared. I was so happy to see his change. He said that it was the best healing experience he ever had before.

-- T.F. - Kyoto


Thank you for a wonderful time. I found I became taller and a feeling of stretched release around my heart area. I can breath deeply. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.

-- M.K. - Osaka


Thank you for your Heart Clear Session. It helped me to make a clear decision about my job situation. Actually I could release my old belief systems towards my job -- like feeling guilty to quit my job or that I have to endure... I can feel a sense of graduation now. Things I am supposed to learn in this job might be over. The fear and anxiety to change my job has disappeared, so I will start to prepare for the change to my new life.

-- M.N. - Mie


Thank you for the Heart Clear session, and your comfortable warm attention. Since the session helped to open my heart area, my posture has improved. I feel aligned and the central line of my body is straightened. By having the tension in the muscles removed, I noticed for the first time how my body had always been tense, especially the head. The heavy feeling like I was carrying a heavy stone on my head could be cleared. I am so happy!

-- N.S. - Tokyo


Thank you for the Heart Clearing Session. The most impressive thing was that I felt power in my eyes. I was surprised to see that my face was different this morning. And I think I don't feel anger so much now. I can fall asleep better than before. Even though I have dreams, I can sleep deeper than before. Thank you so much. I am looking forward to seeing you.

-- M.K. - Tokyo


Thank you for your session. I feel clear because the stagnant energy in my body completely cleared. As the name of this session -- Heart Clearing - tells us, both the consciousness and body are cleared. I want to take other kinds of sessions with you soon. I look forward to seeing you.

-- R.H. - Kanagawa


Thank you so much for the session. I feel my body and mind conditions are both getting better. I feel that the seeds of irritation within me have been taken out. Various relationships in my life are changing and becoming more calm! It is a joy to find the key to open something within me that I couldn't open before! I myself am surprised by this change and I am so glad! I'm looking forward to the next session.

-- I.M. - Hyogo


Some great progress is that I can breathe all the way into my abdomen without obstructions since your last treatment, and I'm very thankful for that.

-- M.G. - Tokyo


During the first week after the Heart Clearing session I was like a rubber ball, bouncing and enjoying without any reason. My inner world became quiet within the second week after the session. One day, my job pressure was so great that I got very irritated and angry. But I had an interesting experience. For just a few seconds, I felt like I became empty. That experience made me think to start meditation -- if I can have this feeling through meditation. So I think these sessions suit me. I really want to have the next one soon.

-- K.S. - Tokyo


I had been looking for bodywork before, but I couldn't find anything that attracted me. I happened to find the Heart Clear session on the website and I really liked the explanation, so I sent an inquiry soon. And my impression of the session was -- I really, really appreciate it. It impressed me much more than I expected.

-- M.M. - Tokyo


After the Heart Clearing Session in the retreat, I am now gradually releasing the emotions which I stored, little by little. I can gradually express what I couldn't say to my father, mother and sister before. And I'm becoming able to share what I experienced -- share with my friends.

-- A.T. - Hyogo


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