

Megamiyama Autumn
Vacation Study

Sacred Space

November 14, 15, 16, 2008
Megamiyama, Nagano

Empower Yourself From Within

WS In this weekend retreat, we will practice creating a new and very useful space within self that is sacred -- an empowered energy field that helps to clear illusions and encourages self confidence.

Creating Sacred Space is an art -- the art of awakening new consciousness and inner light. This space is a central core of self that needs acknowledgement to expand into natural confidence and expression.

This is a space where you can feel safe and feel your personal power, encouraging a new foundation within self. It feels like coming home -- with everything that YOU are, instead of a description that the world has dictated. It leads to more trust within self, respect for others and helps us to remember who we truly are.

Information and exercises will be introduced to help you to explore your personal energy patterns as you interact with others. Becoming aware of your pattern and your boundaries helps you to relate more naturally and effortlessly with others.

Participants from all walks of life continue to report many benefits received through the concepts learned in this workshop. Therapists, medical staff and anyone involved energetically with people also appreciate a new understanding of the use of personal energy while performing their services.

Awakening Arts Vacation Study

This vacation study weekend is a great opportunity to relax in nature and refresh your mind and spirit while exploring new life concepts and practices. Discover more about yourself and unfold your inner abilities at your own pace.

We look forward to creating this memorable weekend together with friends and spirit in the beauty of this special place. Welcome!

Date: November 14, 15, 16, 2008
From 14th - 2:00 pm to 16th - 2:00 pm

Place: Nagano - Bessho Onsen
Megamiyama Life Center

Fee: 52,000 yen (2 nights and 6 meals)
Early Payment before Oct 22nd - 48,000 yen

Please contact us for reservation details »

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