HeartLight Inspirations
Participants share some of the visions they experienced during their HeartLight Journey.

Yuki Kawamoto Watercolors - HeartLight Journey - March 2008 Tokyo
About Yuki
About Yuki Kawamoto:
1978 - Born in Ehime, Shikoku, Japan.
1982 - Entered Olive kindergarten and developed creativity in nature.
1996 - Entered Kyoto University of Art and Design - Japanese Art study.
2007 - Inspired by Henri Matisse's art to become "friends" with art during Nice, France trip.
2008 - Started as a painter and an illustrator.
2008 - Began doing "Soul Portraits" after suggestions from Flint and Noriko in March.
I am based in Sakuradai, Tokyo, Japan. I love Ofuro, Ofuton, Oishii Gohan, Gospel, Nature and Journeys.
I live peacefully every day with creativity, joy and smiles.