Enjoy the magic and adventure of your own mind and spirit through creative imagination beyond visualization. During guided meditation, you can relax your conscious mind and let your creative inner self provide the "dreamscape" while you simply watch the road ahead. These inner explorations are offered to help remove limitations, expand your own dream and enhance your sense of well-being and awareness.
Spend time with like-minded people in a casual atmosphere, enjoy some quiet inner exploration and reflective time, and meet old friends and those old friends you have yet to meet.
This inner journey evening is a simple way to practice holding your focus and intent, which helps to strengthen inner skills. Developing your second attention through this meditation will help to train all of your inner senses and expand your access to deeper mind. Journeys and techniques from various spiritual sources are presented -- something different each month, to enhance your inner world and vision. We look forward to creating with you!
Power of Imagination - Opening the door to inner world
Imagination is an entrance into inner dimensions. Learn to work within the truth, power and depth of deeper imagination to access higher levels of awareness.
New Beginnings for the New Earth
In this journey, recent changes within human consciousness will be explained and sacred geometry techniques will be given to help you work with the new energies. Moving from mind to heart-based consciousness will be explored through a basic Heart Vision meditation. This Inner journey will be guided to activate your inner imagination - your doorway to higher mind and inner guidance that waits to help you onward.
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March, 2009 - Recorded in Nara |
9-9-9 -- Grounding The Light
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
September 9, 2009 -- 9-9-9 is another step up in frequency for the Earth after the recent summer eclipses. Your inner life will become smoother after such an unsettling summer, and new insights concerning your path forward will become clearer.
From 9-9-9 through Autumn Equinox - Sept 22, a more solid and tangible feeling of light and spiritual energy will become more accessible for many, and a sense of stability in your higher spiritual perception will become more available. This energy will help to ignite the fire of your personal vision and passion -- the reason you came to share your natural talents at this time.
Please come and explore the new energy at this special time in a shared event that will help to ground these new energies for yourself and others through sacred geometry and inner light exercises. We look forward to welcoming you in a clear and relaxing new location for this event in Ogikubo, Tokyo.
Time: 12:00-15:00
Place : Tokyo - Ogikubo
Katsugen Undo and Huna / Total Solar Eclipse Meditation
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In June Tibetan five Rites brought wonderful results for many people. As a continuation of our "Grounding the Light" series, in July on the special day of Total Solar Eclipse we will have a workshop to experience Huna wisdom through our own body.
Part 1: Huna and Katsugen Undo 12:30-15:00 - July 22
Place : Asagaya Sangyo Shoko Kaikan
Part 2 : Total Solar Eclipse Meditation 15:30-17:30 - July 22
Place : Asagaya Sangyo Shoko Kaikan
Purification Meditation
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New Earth Update - June Solstice Purification Meditation
Flint will talk about what's happening on the Earth now including the experience of May which each person went through. Meditation for purifying and aligning your energy to prepare for the exciting next cycle of energy coming in... June 21st is Summer Solstice and June 23rd is New Moon.
Talk and Meditation 14:30-17:00 - June 24
Place: Asagaya Sangyo Shoko Kaikan
The Infinity Breath - Archangel Michael's Sacred Heart Meditations

Over the past year, Archangel Michael has presented very detailed instructions through Ronna Herman, regarding meditations to open the Sacred Heart and begin to attune to the New Energy that is now present on Earth.
Excerpt from the March 2008 channel...
"We have instructed you as to how you are to build and use your Pyramid of Light/Power in the fifth dimension, and how to become an Alpha Master, which is another term for self-mastery. We have given you the formula for using the universal laws of manifestation and, if you have followed our teachings, you will have scripted in great detail the things that you wish to manifest in your life, and you have placed them on the crystal table in your Pyramid in the fifth dimension, asking for your greatest good and the highest good for all. We have stressed that it is not just material things you are seeking, but a quality of life or a 'State of Being.'
We have informed you of the importance of the Breath of Infinity, and have given you detailed instructions on how to breath in this sacred way. Last year, we gave you the Flower of Life pattern of the Infinity Breath sequence. We would now ask you to envision this horizontal pattern you have created with your sacred breath as your personal wheel of creation.
We will review these instructions in a series of meditation evenings to begin to release old defenses, and open personal channels to New Light and manifestation.
The meditations are quite simple, using sacred geometry and breath, and are easy to practice in your daily life. Some of the benefits are:
- A sense of balance within your own aura and energy systems.
- Developing a sense of Sacred Space around you.
- Clearing your waveform of static energy and negativity.
- Tuning to a greater sense of connection with Higher Self.
- Easier release of old limiting patterns.
- Expressing a clearer energy focus with awareness.
During the first evening we will practice the Infinity Breath inside your Sacred Pyramid. This module activates both the Sacred Heart center and the Medulla Oblongata of the brain. Your sacred Column of Light is the central focus of the practice.
Octahedron Alignment Reminder

Earth changes and shifting energies are becoming more evident now. This is a reminder to surround yourself within an octahedron form during your meditations and anytime you feel discomfort. The sacred octahedron geometry will help to align your energies and conscious awareness.