10-10-10 Planetary Awareness and Earth Diving
A shamanic journey to increase your planetary awareness on this special day
10 -10 -10. This exciting inner journey will take you deep into the Earth and high into the Heavens.
Welcome and experience the higher energies available world-wide now through your Heart.
Flint will discuss the recent energy shift and share tips on balancing new consciousness and the symptoms you may be experiencing
Date: Sunday, October 10 - 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Place: Tokyo - Suginami-ku, Asagaya, Sangyoshoko-kaikan
Fee: 3,000 yen
New Consciousness
Shifting into New Consciousness is a key aspect in this process. We are now awakening from the old way of perceiving the world and self to a new and expanded consciousness.
Our curriculum shares four foundational pillars of support to awaken inner vision and self mastery.
Any course may draw on several of these main themes. See here.
Spiritual Awakening - Reflection Time
During the Summer of 2010, a wave of spiritual awakening began in earnest for our planet. This energy process will continue for some time. This experience has revealed the underlying current that will guide us through upcoming waves.
September is a good time to reflect after the Summer experience. The August heat is subsiding and the pressure from the Cardinal Cross Configuration has eased as well. Time to relax a little and count your blessings. Five planets have now moved into retrograde, which creates a resonance conducive to inner reflection. A good time to go inside, contemplate, meditate and put things in order after such a powerful summer.
2010-Sept-01 -- Flint
See previous news here... Archive page - May - August 2010