Awakening Arts Lyceum
Latest News

December 2010

Rainbow Light Color Meditation

Awareness of energy frequencies is becoming an important skill now, with so many energies moving around and through us. An excellent way to practice your resonant abilities is through attunement to colored light. Each year we enjoy bringing in the New Light of Solstice Dawn with this special Resonance session.

Experience the 7 chakra colors that form the basis of the human aura. We will view and absorb projected light from spectrum slides that will allow you to tune yourself back to center again, along with a color healing guided journey. Surprising results - sometimes it's color you may need, apart from food, water and air! Bring your most colorful smile - and enjoy the uplifting energy with friends on this powerful solstice portal date.

Date:Wednesday, December 22, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Place : Tokyo - Asagaya
Fee: 3,000 yen

The Light that Moves You


Making room for the spontaneity of Spirit in your life is important now as old paradigms make way for the new. In this gathering we will explore how the Light of Spirit moves you and and how it moves through you. Personal strengths and self image will benefit through trust in your inner nature and growing integrity.

• Welcoming spiritual awareness into your daily life.
• New Consciousness and how it is now uplifting previous motivations.
• Moving from thinking to knowing and heart-based awareness.

Date: Sunday, December 12 - 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Place: Tokyo - Asagaya
Fee: 3,000 yen

Date: Monday, November 22 - 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Place: Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Hisai
Fee: 3,000 yen

Clearing Your Wave Form

"Identity as frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast as electronic pulsations." - Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak

In the "Energy Awareness" workshop, we enhanced awareness of our personal energy and learned about the energy signature we are broadcasting to the world. In the next "Clearing Your Waveform" workshop we will learn more about our energy at a subtle level through the concept of the wave form and begin to clear energy which is not ours.

If there is static cling stuck in your wave form, this sticky stuff distracts you. And if it has been there a long time and has been energized with emotion, it will attract even more static energy over time. And you may find that it pulls you back to a certain negativity or an addiction over and over again.

We will also learn spiritual psychology, taking responsibility for our own emotions and energy and getting back to our sovereignty to keep our wave form clean. To brighten and broadcast natural energy is also an important key to live your visionary path as an authentic self.

Mie - Ise
November 20, 2010 - 13:00-19:00
Fee: 12,000 yen or 10,000 yen with 10 days advance payment

e-Learning Energy Awareness


Spiritual Awakening begins with the realization that we exist and extend beyond the physical body. Becoming aware of our own energy within our body and aura at the subtle level is the goal of this first class of Energy Series. To use our energy wisely during these changing times helps us to ride new waves of incoming energy that we have never experienced before.

The concepts explained in this first class provide a foundation for further work in the Energy Series. This bilingual workshop was recorded with a live audience.

More... e-Learning page

The Awakening Energy Series - Autumn Courses

Autumn is also a good time to learn more about your inner process. "The Awakening Energy Series" of talks and workshops is now prepared and will be launched throughout the autumn months. This is a first series of classes that will expand to include more modules as we approach 2012-13.

These modules are created for focused students who enjoy practical information and exercises to strengthen their spiritual understanding. The sequence of classes creates a logical order of study and practice for beginners and those wanting to learn more.

The Awakening Energy modules are as follows:

• Energy Awareness
• Clearing Your Wave Form
• Brightening Your Spiritual Core
• Creating Sacred Space

We welcome your inquiry and look forward to an enthusiastic group during the Autumn studies!

Inner Vision Quest -- Two day workshop

Does Your Path Have a Heart?


Are you wondering about your future direction in these changing times? In the midst of change, your personal vision becomes more important than ever to direct yourself into the future of your choice.

This workshop is a special opportunity for you to make a Vision Quest in your inner world, taking the time and space to make new decisions on your path forwords. You will be guided into your visionary sanctuary to explore your direction and new vision. You can begin to consciously co-create your future with the help of new energy, new insights and new choices.

See More... Inner Vision Quest page

Private Sessions


See Clinic Page for Private Sessions

Tsu - Nov 19
Ise - Nov 20 - 23
Kyoto - Nov 24

10-10-10 -- Base Camp

Excerpt from Tokyo Earth Diving Talk - October 10, 2010

"... I like to use analogies concerning mountains and I look at this personally, along with my guidance, that we have been climbing up to a new plateau in the mountains. And if this is Mount Everest over here, way up in the mountains, the peak is up here, this is going to be maybe 2012-12-12. We've got 11-11-11 halfway up.

I'm looking at 10-10-10 as of today, this is a base camp, this is Mount Everest Base Camp that you have just succeeded in reaching. You've been climbing up here and you say,"Oh thank God, here we are! We're going to sleep here tonight at the base camp!" " -- Flint

Read More... Library page

Listen More... e-Learning page

Click to Play Talk
Sound File
« 5 min 17 sec

10-10-10 Planetary Awareness and Earth Diving


A shamanic journey to increase your planetary awareness on this special day
10 -10 -10. This exciting inner journey will take you deep into the Earth and high into the Heavens. Welcome and experience the higher energies available world-wide now through your Heart.

Flint will discuss the recent energy shift and share tips on balancing new consciousness and the symptoms you may be experiencing

Date: Sunday, October 10 - 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Place: Tokyo - Suginami-ku, Asagaya, Sangyoshoko-kaikan
Fee: 3,000 yen

New Consciousness


Shifting into New Consciousness is a key aspect in this process. We are now awakening from the old way of perceiving the world and self to a new and expanded consciousness.

Our curriculum shares four foundational pillars of support to awaken inner vision and self mastery.
Any course may draw on several of these main themes. See here.

Spiritual Awakening - Reflection Time


During the Summer of 2010, a wave of spiritual awakening began in earnest for our planet. This energy process will continue for some time. This experience has revealed the underlying current that will guide us through upcoming waves.

September is a good time to reflect after the Summer experience. The August heat is subsiding and the pressure from the Cardinal Cross Configuration has eased as well. Time to relax a little and count your blessings. Five planets have now moved into retrograde, which creates a resonance conducive to inner reflection. A good time to go inside, contemplate, meditate and put things in order after such a powerful summer.

2010-Sept-01 -- Flint

See previous news here... Archive page - May - August 2010

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