Personal Sessions

Heartlight Alignment - Begin a New Path Forward
A personal session clears chronic pain and heavy energetic symptoms through caring, holistic treatment. Flint's unique Heart Clearing Bodywork helps to tune and refresh your health at levels that you can feel immediately. Through the release of tension and energetic armor, natural energy pathways are cleared to enhance self-healing, which your body appreciates the most.
Flint works with spiritual assistance to align the high-heart thymus area and clear it of historic energy and tension. This deep procedure allows the free flow of sacred energies into this important chakric area.
Most recipients of this session have experienced a release of old heavy energies with a remarkable uplift in both their personal energy and appearance and brightening their inner beauty that marks the beginning of an easier path forward. Old victim-like blaming attitudes begin to shift very soon after the session to make way for personal responsibility and clearer decision-making.
Tokyo - January 5 to 31- Call or Email to Reserve
Ise/Kansai - February, 2012
Please see Clinic Page for session details.
Soul Transitions - Iga Ueno - November 26, 27
Part 1 - Spiritual Awakening
• Several states of Spiritual Awakening
• How can you help people around you?
• The Essence of spirituality and vision
• What is happening now and how it will be ?
• From 11:11:11 to 12:12:12
• Inner Work
Date: Saturday, November 26, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Place : Mie, Iga-Ueno
Fee : 4.000yen
Part 2 - A new perspective towards death
In this workshop Flint will present a new perspective towards death and spiritual care based on his experience as a transition guide.
Long ago, in very ancient cultures, death was more fully understood as a transition, from one stage of life to the next. In fact, this transition was celebrated, and the spirit would be royally escorted and welcomed back to a higher, expansive place in the next realms. Special transition guides, often working as teams, were honored to safely escort a soul back to it's natural point of origin, past the turmoil and distractions of the lower, near realms. And there, on the highest planes, they were met and welcomed by the angelic members of their true spiritual family.
• A truer understanding of the death process
• Three kinds of transition work
• Introduction of actual transition cases
• Spiritual care - how to help a dying person
• Inner Work to clear yourself to support transition.
Date: Sunday, November 27, 10:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Place : Mie, Iga-Ueno
Fee : 8.000yen
Flint assists those who are making the transition into Death, as a guide on their journey through the non-physical realms. He has undergone specific shamanic training with various teachers around the world, including inner masters who deal with this work. Flint is also a graduate of St. Germaine's DreamWalker School and Lightworkers Overlight Transitiion Training. He now offers expanded transition guidance for this new era of spiritual awakening.
New Galactic Shaman Retreat - Iga-Ueno - Sep 17, 18, 19

Opening the door to Inter-dimensional perception
• What is Inter-dimensional perception?
• About dimensions and densities
• Traditional shamanic styles vs. new galactic shaman
• Application of inter-dimensional skills during this transition time
• Unfolding your shamanic awareness naturally
• Practice to improve your focus and intent
• Inner Work and exercises to enhance your perception and skills
• developing Heart Based Awareness
Date: Sep 17, 18, 19
Place : Mie, Iga-Ueno, Jacoba's House
Price: 40,000 yen (2 nights accomodation)
Please check here to learn more about Interdimensionality.
Soul Transitions - Tokyo - August 15
In this workshop Flint will present a new perspective towards death and spiritual care based on his experience as a transition guide.
• A truer understanding of the death process
• Spiritual care examples of transition
• Watch a short DVD presentation
• Obon Meditation
Those interested in interdimensional studies and spiritual care are welcomed.
Date: Monday, August 15, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Place : Asagaya Shoko-Kaikan
Fee: 5,000 yen
Mid-Summer Cleansing Meditation - Tokyo - August 12

Enjoy clearing yourself and finding your true tone during this mid-summer meditation.
• Spiritual Forcast
• Water Purification Ritual
• Sound Meditation
• Inner Journeys to clear distraction from your soul tone
Date: Friday, August 12, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Place : Asagaya Shoko-Kaikan
Fee: 3,000 yen
Beach Dream Time — Opening to Shamanic Vision
July 18 - Ise-Shima

• Shamanic Perspectives
• Meditation on the Beach
• Shell Divination
• Learning more about your second awareness
Date: Monday, July 18, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Place : Mie-ken, Shima-city, Ago-cho
Fee: 3,000 yen
Heart of Simplicity — July 18 - Ise-Shima Meditation
"Meditation is becoming more and more important these days as the world is changing. The vibration of the world is changing, and your own vibration is changing. To keep everything synchronized, we have to go inside quite often and get everything balanced and understand what's going on. Your meditation experience will become bigger, deeper and more important."-- Flint
• What is meditation and why is it important now?
• Practice several types of meditation
• Spiritual Forecast
• Inner Journey to expand your Heart Awareness
Date: Monday, July 18, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Place : Mie-ken, Shima-city, Ago-cho
Fee: 3,000 yen

Light Passages: Ise Shrine, Geku - July 17
Internalizing Your Sense of Divinity
We invite you to Ise, Outer Shrine, one of the great sacred sites in Japan. In this afternoon workshop, we will explore a new relationship with Spirit by shining the light of awareness on our old beliefs and rituals in order to update our understanding and reconnection.
What do we seek at sacred sites? What goes through our mind and feelings when we are praying at a shrine? How does a shrine reflect our own spirituality? We will examine this empowering theme by asking ourselves these questions and sharing with others. You will be guided by a facilitator who has rich experience within the World of Spirit and shamanic work.
Enjoy opening to some new perspectives with us during this mid-summer visit.
• Inter-dimensional insights into shrine ritual
• Internalizing your sense of the Divine
• Moving from objective worship to self empowerment
• Honoring the beauty of Japan's living mysticism
Date: Sunday, July 17, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Place : Ise Grand Shrine, Geku
Fee: 4,000 yen
Opening to New Light — July 9 - Tokyo

Inner Work towards higher self-development is important at this time of Awakening.
This new series of talks and guided journeys will lead inward to explore deeper mind, heart and intuition. Deeper sessions will often be challenging and invite self-examination to clear old beliefs as we open to a new sense of truth and spirit within.
Work at your own pace with inner guidance to accomplish tasks that will broaden your inner vision. These visionary shamanic journeys are based on Huna and currently evolving spiritual teachings.
Part 1 - Power of Imagination
• What is inner work and why it is important now?
• Mechanism of Imagination - Opening the door to your inner world
• Understanding basic inter-dimensional concepts
• Inner Work to begin to clear your reconnection path
Part 2 - Clearing the Mind and Discerning the Real
• Spiritual Psychology - Sovereignty and Ego
• Beginning to see through the veil of illusion
• Advanced Huna concept
• Inner Work - Releasing old limitations to accept a new way of being
This workshop series will be a bridge to Interdimensional Studies later this year.
Date: Sunday, July 9, 1:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Part1: 1:00 - 4:00 / Part2: 4:30 - 7:30
Place : Kagurazaka, Ecopao Studio
Fee: 15,000 yen (7,500 yen for each part)
Shifting into New Consciousness

More people are now awakening from an old way of perceiving self and the world.
A new perspective includes sovereignty and spirit, empowerment and higher understanding.
It honors life and begins to replace the love of power with the power of love.
Our curriculum shares four foundational pillars of support to awaken inner vision and self mastery.
Any course may draw on several of these main themes. More...
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