Past and Present Life Clearing with Your Spiritual Source
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GL "I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have taken this journey with Flint and would recommend it to anyone who was considering it - Do it! It will change your life!! I am a true believer that GuideLight shows anyone what it is that they personally need to know to continue on their journey of spiritual evolution and happiness. "-- S.B. - Australia


Thank you very much for the Guidelight sessions. I really appreciate you from my heart. I could feel joy because your sessions were filled with both of your gentleness and allowed me to spend time safe and at ease. The joy I felt on that day has become my treasure.

After the two sessions, I feel my sense of living has been changing more and more. As I could have confidence that I am protected, and become aware of more of my self than I was before, I feel I made a big step forward. Trust my self, trust others, trust everything that exists in this universe... I will go forward embracing my joy in my heart. And I am happy because I can say this with purity. Thank you for the wonderful sessions!

-- M.S. - Tokyo


Wonderful results from my GuideLight work. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

-- L.C. - Kyoto


GuideLight is such a deep and personal spiritual journey, and the outcome is truly incredible. It really is a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness, and in the process, the internal shift created is strangely both subtle, yet profound. GuideLight gave me answers to a list of longstanding questions and curiosities, and also revealed to me aspects of myself that I had not previously considered or understood. I can only say that the result was truly "enlightening". I emerged with an incredible sense of peace, understanding and centeredness - calm, clear and physically lighter.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have taken this journey with Flint and would recommend it to anyone who was considering it - Do it! It will change your life!! I am a true believer that GuideLight shows anyone what it is that they personally need to know to continue on their journey of spiritual evolution and happiness.

-- S.B. - Australia


I discovered that the purpose of GuideLight was to experience clear communication with my Higher Self. The past life information was incredible but not as important as the profound answers to my questions from Higher Self who knows everything about me. This will be a treasure for my whole life.

-- C.M. - Kyoto


After the session I came to feel my own life more objectively. I think I can see my path forward from the perspective not only of this life time but also past, future and other dimensions. And I can expect how what I am doing now will be useful in the future. Spiritual things I have learned and reality around myself has started to link. Thanks to the experience of seeing my past and future, it's interesting now that I can see myself reflected in this life time at the same point of view as I saw myself in the past and future -- so I think I can foresee what I should do now in this life time. I have wider perspective to think and feel things including past, future other dimensions and the universe. I can feel my direction.

-- N.N. - Nagoya


Thank your so much for your GuideLight Session. After the session, before I went to bed, I told Higher Self how much appreciated it, and had an image to connect with Higher Self. I then saw a letter from my Higher Self in my dream. Unfortunately I don't remember the content of the letter but I could confirm the last sentence was, "I also thank you ! " I was so happy to see it!

After that, sometimes before going to bed I imagine contact with HS by myself and started to write a dream journal. I am going to continue to train my imagery as much as possible.

-- Y.Y. - Kanagawa


A big tree appeared in my dream on the day when I applied for Guidelight and it appeared again during the sessions and still impresses me now. I now consider this big tree as a symbol of my future after personal evolution. Through this symbol I understood that if life tends to be inclined to spirituality and religious activity too much, the point of contact with actuality becomes weak and energy tends to move only in the upper part of the body. So be like a big tree, with a trunk that grows up high, in proportion to the roots which should be grounded firmly.

Now as my conflicted issues could be solved, I can spend my daily life more comfortably. I realize that the meaning and depth of the content of the session will still continue from now on. I am looking forward to having the next sessions.

-- S.F. - Kyoto


Thank you very much for your session -- I was impressed! It seems that my connection with Higher Self has become clear and solid. But I have to get used to this condition because now I am always receiving a message. So I asked Higher Self how to deal with it. HS said it is my training time to listen to the message. I said to HS that it's like listening to your constant scolding -- HS is laughing! Meditation is much easier now. While I'm with my inner light image I feel very hot in my body.

-- S.H. - Mie


I think I found my new direction in this life. I appreciate your great guidance and deep sessions.

-- O.K. - Osaka


A week has passed since my first GuideLight sessions and I'm feeling pretty wonderful. I've been meditating every day and feeling the benefits. Great stuff! Thank you so much for your guidance, love and patience.

-- S.B. - Kyoto


I am very grateful for the precious experience I had in your GuideLight sessions. Now I know that my Higher Self is always there with me and I feel protected. Thank you for all of this. I am excited to continue on my journey!

-- Y.I. - Tokyo


By experiencing GuideLight, I am becoming more aware that my aliveness and joyfulness and appreciation toward life are becoming deeper and deeper. I was moved to tears many times to feel love about my living existence.

-- A.T. - Hyogo


3 months have passed after the GuideLight sessions. Gradually my feeling and perspective is changing and I'm becoming more calm and connected to inner wisdom and HS is becoming stronger. So when I look back at the content of my sessions, after a certain time I could have an even deeper understanding of the content. Thank you very much for a really wonderful sessions. I'm going to take the next session when I feel it's necessary for me to get a message.

-- K.S. - Hyogo


After taking GuideLight, great transformations have been happening to me. I've met various kinds of people, I received various kinds of messages, and my awareness has increased. I have a feeling that from now on I would live with Higher Self. Higher Self may have been with me before I took GuideLight, but now I am more convinced. And I can have a joyful feeling of responsibility toward that fact.

-- N.K. - Kanagawa


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